Welcome to Longview First Christian Church
We are located at 2000 East Kessler Boulevard on beautiful Lake Sacajawea. We hold our Sunday worship service at 11:00 a.m. and generally have a mix of contemporary music and re-arranged traditional hymns with our house praise team, the Joyful Noyz band, and we occasionally will sing with a pianist when the praise team is unavailable. Come as you are -- dress up or dress down -- everyone is accepted as they are.
We hold a "Story Time for Kids" within our service and children are invited to stay for the service or go down the hall with qualified personnel to the nursery (birth - 5 years) or to Children's Sunday School.
Worship Times
Sunday Worship
11 a.m. hildren, ages 6-10, are excused for Sunday school after story time in the sanctuary. Nursery care for children under the age of five is available.
11:00 am: Worship (children, ages 6-10, are excused for Sunday school after story time in the sanctuary. Nursery care for children under the age of five is available.)
12:00 pm: Coffee hour; everyone is invited to join us for coffee and tea in the fellowship hall immediately after worship.